There is an active Young Life club for students at Westminster that meets most Mondays at 7:37 pm. Be sure to follow our Instagram @westminster_yl to keep up with further details concerning club. Click on “camp” at the top of this webpage to sign up for weekend and/or summer camp.


WyldLife for students at Westminster generally meets biweekly. For the most up-to-date details on WyldLife for Westminster, sign up for emails using the link below. To sign up for weekend and/or summer WyldLife camp, please click on “camp” at the top of this website.

In an effort to stay connected to parents, keep kids safe, and respect boundaries, we have a form that is required in order for leaders to communicate with students and keep them informed about WyldLife activities.

Interested in receiving emails about what’s going on in Young Life or WyldLife for Westminster? Click this link to sign up!